Why shower sex rules – 8 wet gifs

It’s hot in here. Literally. Barcelona has been this oven for the last two months, but I always seem to crave more hotness… This is why I have selected a few sexy wet gifs for you! Shower sex is a simple but very effective fantasy and if it’s done right, it can be super hot and satisfying. As well as refreshing.

Shower sex is hot

Shower sex always looks so cool. It’s sexy, you’re naked but you’re not cold, and you’re standing up. However, it’s not always that… practical. But who cares, it’s a fantasy, right? And here we are certainly fantasizing. I’m talking about hot guys rubbing each other with shower gel, girls licking each other and James Deen, always there to try a new position.

Seriously, shower sex can be a bit tricky sometimes, especially when you have a tiny shower, a thin curtain and a tendency to get soap in your eyes. Plus, it’s even a bit dangerous, with it being wet and all.

BUT, it can also be the best. Here’s why.

1. It’s fun and spontaneous

shower sex gif

2. It’s romantic. Sometimes.

shower sex gif angelica

3. You can wash your hair at the same time

girls shower sex

4. You can do your regular shower dance routine

naked man shower

5. It’s passionate and sexy

gay shower sex gif

6. There are lots of things to grab onto.

james deen shower sex

7. You can add players*

*only applicable to sex large showers. Be warned.

gay shower sex gif

8. If alone, it’s a great place to masturbate.

It covers the noise and, afterwards, you don’t look sweaty!

shower hot man gif
  1. Carolina

    February 22, 2018 7:22 pm

    Oh, hey! I cannot stand hot weather, too. Greetings from Brazil 🙂

    I love it!
    And, a buddy from another state will visit me in March (yay?).
    I’ve been wondering if things get hot, where we could do this.
    And I thought… shower, why not?
    My shower is broken, but makes things too obvious (*glass shower box).
    Then, luckily there is another bathroom, the shower box can cover it well, since it’s acrylic with dark tint and patterns!
    It is kinda small, so I’ll have to bend over, put my hands in the wall. I wanted to lean back and enjoy it more, but, sadly there’s a vault in the wall I wanted, so I’ll have to turn, face the shower box, press my breasts against it, it can work too.

    I would not try one legged stand ever! I don’t have much balance with my left leg.

    • Tola

      January 7, 2020 1:05 pm

      Hey Carolina, hit me up on hangout let’s get to know ourselves better

  2. Jasju

    December 17, 2019 5:28 am

    I wish I could take a hot shower with my love 🙁 I miss her, babeeeee I miss to see you taking a shower, it’s so sexy :3 next time you’ll be against the wall 😉

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