Gay porn is like regular porn, in the sense that it’s tough to find some deeper content, figuratively. Even though there are many films about safe sex and more and more films about gay couples, when it comes to sex, the recipe is usually the same as straight porn. This is why today I’m going to talk to you about two very interesting projects with two gay erotic teasers, including hot guys, sex, love. And finally you’ll see a full scene between two cute guys having nice sex.

1. Eloi & Biel, the explicit teaser

I already talked to you about Eloi & Biel when it was still a project, and now, it’s out! This film by Noel Hortas shows intimacy and sex in a very natural and artistic way. Noel explains that it’s not only straight porn that needs a new perspective, gay porn does too! That’s why he and his colleague Victor, decided to make a film around gay love and sex, with a new artistic eye.

The explicit teaser is below, you can know more on the film’s facebook page!

Eloi & Biel – Explicit trailer from Noel A. on Vimeo.

eloi & biel gay sex

eloi & biel gay porn


2. Perfect Day, love and separation

Perfect Day is a short film by Juanma Carillo and Félix Fernandez. It’s part of the Cover Me trilogy, which aims at exploring the subjects of loneliness, affection, relationships. As you can see, it goes much farther than just gay porn! We can’t see it in the teaser but Perfect Day recreates on video an interpretation of the famous Lou Reed’s song.

I love how, one second, the film makes you feel love and closeness, and the second after, it digs a huge hole between the two characters.

What is a little bummer is that after looking around I haven’t figured out where to watch the whole version of the short film… Will keep you updated!


perfect day gay porn short

perfect day gay short

3. Explicit blond candy

And finally a little hot scene that I found out there, you know, on the internets. Two cute blond guys get it going. Ok, it’s not very philosophical, nor deep, but it’s nice to look at. What do you think?