What’s the deal with car sex? (4 videos)

Car sex is a paradox. It’s highly uncomfortable and probably illegal in a lot of places, yet we crave it like teenagers in a horror movie. Here are my favorite car sex scenes which I hope will tell us why we love it so much.

The Loved Ones

This is a scene from the 2009 film The Loved Ones, with Victoria Thaine. The scene is a little naive and it’s got this nice summer light that makes it quite enjoyable, except maybe for the final slow-mo, you’ll tell me! They don’t seem to be bothered much by the awkward position, so I guess in the heat of the moment, it doesn’t really matter where you are.

Victoria Thaine – The Loved Ones by devilmotion

Revolutionary Road

Kate Winslet + Leonardo DiCaprio. What more can I say. Maybe that the thrill of being caught and the rush of the precipitated action make it even hotter…

Idle hands

I watched that movie a bunch of times when I was a teenager. I love comedy horror (only the good stuff) and this film is pretty hilarious. When this dressed up couple start their foreplay in the car, the Devil’s hand gets in there too for some juicy boob action.

The Sweetest Things

A classic. Cameron Diaz and Christina Applegate have fake sex to turn on a biker with a moustache. It’s like being in a car gives you the freedom to do all kinds of dumb stuff, so it seems like it would be the perfect place to have sex…

  1. steph de gomb

    November 5, 2014 11:55 am

    Baby, how can we forget: “Crash” Cronenberg…

  2. Bob

    April 9, 2015 3:50 pm

    The short-lived series “Luck” has the best car sex scene ever between Polish actress Weronika Rosati and a guy who is trying to teach her how things like turn signals work while being, uh, distracted. Worth hunting down.

    • Lucie Blush

      April 10, 2015 7:11 pm

      Cool, thanks for the tip!

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