What happens on a porn shoot: Alice Inside Behind The Scenes

I’m so excited to upload this video! I had a little footage from the shooting of Alice Inside, that I hadn’t used used in the actual movie. I also have a few goodie pictures for your enjoyment! So if you want to get a grasp on what happens on a porn shoot (and my first, at that), check out the video and photos below!

Watch the full film right here

Bloopers and Behind The Scenes of Alice Inside

I think this little footage captured pretty well the essence of shooting a porn film, especially with a real-life couple. Indeed, a lot of things can go wrong: My mirror broke (it was my fault, I leaned on it and when I pulled back it fell on the floor and shattered into a million pieces). That happened during the first 10 minutes, so I have to say it made me a bit nervous, and cursed.

My mirror R.I.P
Alice Inside bloopers behind the scenes by lucie blush

Anyways, for me it’s important to show that the couple used a condom during sex. Protection is part of our every day life, and while it is nice to fantasize about a world where AIDS and other STDs don’t exist, it is crucial to a healthy sex life. And since what I want to show is a relatable moment in the life of a young woman, omitting to show the condom would be pretty unrealistic. That said, condoms can be difficult. As you know, Isi and Aura are a real couple, so they weren’t used to using condoms anymore, and adding a horribly hot weather to that, incidents happen, and pain… If you watched the video, then you heard the *CLAP*.

Playing with my board chalk
Alice Inside bloopers behind the scenes by lucie blush
Next, well it’s very tiring to work on a porn shoot. The actors were obviously exercising a lot, and I was focused for more than four hours, obsessed with light and angle. Indeed, directing is difficult. You have to think not only about the comfort of the actors, but about how it’s going to look. Arms are in the way, can you hear the moaning?, the light isn’t coming in, and how about capturing these little, spontaneous moments between the couple? Your mind is everywhere, on every little detail. It’s exhausting and great at the same time, because when you grasp a great image and feeling, you can’t wait to show the rest of the world.

At some point, we had to go get food. Nothing better than a kebab, a beer and fruits to give you all the energy you need to round two!

Fucking opens the appetite!
Alice Inside bloopers behind the scenes by lucie blush

In the end it was all very relaxed, and I think we all had fun and we were pretty happy of what we had done together!

Little music break
Alice Inside bloopers behind the scenes by lucie blush

1 Comment
  1. […] Things break, dicks go soft, muscles get cramps, bodies sweat, it rains… – watch the bloopers of Alice Inside for more funny stuff. And that’s the beauty of it! You adapt, you go forward, you have […]

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