Two time-twisted BDSM films that will slap you

I’m enjoying BDSM more and more, and thanks to, I get to watch a lot of cool stuff and learn more about it. It is hard to find good content though, that’s why I make my now famous (almost…) selections of erotic videos for you. BDSM is all about dominance and submission, which, in my opinion, are the heart of sex. These two videos are suggestive, very erotic, and completely twisted. Enjoy!

1. BDSM by Lucas Nahuel Perez

What I love about this video is that the little pieces of images are so well put together that it completely wakes you up. Only 16 seconds and I get all tingly. There’s no music, only silence and sounds that evoke contact and texture. We see tools, beautiful (and scary) women, latex… All the ingredients for a great bdsm session.

What bothers me about it is that I have absolutely no information about this awesome introduction to BDSM. If you know more, please share with us!

2. Buttocks by Ruth Hogben

I wasn’t kidding when I said those videos would slap you. And this one takes its time in doing so. This film was made by fashion studio Show Studio and stars the incredible Esme Bianco, whom you may have recognized from her role as Ros in HBO’s Game Of Thrones. I guess it wasn’t a big change in character. Most of the time naked in GOT, we can enjoy her spanking Valeria in a very slow, almost sadistic, and definitely pleasurable way.

I really enjoyed watching the skin ripple and the time it takes the brain to realize what’s happening. Pure slow motion pain and pleasure. Awesome.

1 Comment
  1. […] already featured some of SHOWstudio’s work here. They love punk and I’m oh so happy about that. The film, as well as the fashion, is a hybrid […]

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