The tale of Olivia Woods, Vivi Marie and The Magic Wand

The folks from CrashPad Series keep on surprising us by making hot, authentic porn. This time, Vivi Marie shows off her collection of sex toys and suggests Olivia Woods try the famous Magic Wand…

Magic wand and other treasures

Vivi enjoys her new hobby very much, collecting sex toys and props and Olivia is more than happy to test them out. Having never tried the magic wand before, they settle on using this game-changing invention. That’s not all though, since they’re also going to have a go at a double-ended delight and passionate scissoring.

Take that Harry Potter! (Literally can not resist a bad joke…)

It is so refreshing that this incredibly hot exchange is a million miles away from the typical porn clichés, much like all the other films by CrashPad. For them, doing porn is a positive experience, which, believe me, is not so easy to understand for a lot of people.

Check out the trailer and the pictures below.

>>Watch the full scene here<<

crashpad vivi marie olivia woods

crashpad vivi marie olivia woods

crashpad vivi marie olivia woods

crashpad vivi marie olivia woods

  1. Liana

    August 13, 2016 3:24 am

    Hi, I wonder why I don’t see or find any fem porn with condom, althought women sex to sex relation transmits STD like any other sex relations. I’ve found that dental dam is not very used because of a lack of knowledge and it might not be convenient… How would you use dental dam or any condom for safe scissors position? Thanks!

    • Lucie Blush

      August 22, 2016 9:50 pm

      Hey Liana, femporn doesn’t mean lesbian porn… And about dental dam (I had to google that), I have no idea, I’ve never scissored anybody before… Gotta put it on my list 😛

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