The music video for Movement’s ‘Ivory’ is pure sex

It’s great that my friends know what I do and follow this site, because they often send me cool videos for me to review – thanks Nate! This time, I discovered the music video for the song Ivory, by Movement.

Ivory by Movement

Chronologically, what I loved about the Aussie trio’s video is the very cinematographic scene at the beginning. A post-sex naked couple is talking about the “color”. It feels abstract and you don’t really understand what they’re talking about until a new trip begins. Then comes the music. It’s smooth and awesome and perfect for sex! I’m so putting this on next time I get lucky. Anyways, we can see the couple having sex, going through positions, focusing on the details in order to let us in on the experience. It almost looks like they’re changing shape and moving as one.

It really looks and feels like a proper experience, especially when they stop and freeze for a moment, and when they see each other from outside their body. The freckles, the pale skin, the embrace, the expressions on their face, the guitar… The mix is a perfect image of art, lust and mystery.

Then the topic of color comes back when paint start running over their bodies.

What color do YOU see when you reach climax?

Movement – Ivory (NSFW) from Modular People on Vimeo.

1 Comment
  1. Siridius

    August 8, 2014 12:28 am

    One of the greatest things I have ever seen. Just beautiful !

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