The hottest threesome foreplay scene on House of Cards

When I wrote about the sex scene between Kate Mara and Kevin Spacey in season one of House of Cards, I didn’t really know the show. A few months later, Breaking Bad was over and the Good Wife was on a break, so I naturally started hunting for another great show to entertain myself, during the short moments I’m not working. So I watch House of Cards, and it completely absorbed me. I thought it was a damn good show, until I saw this scene, from one of the latest episodes of season 2. Then I thought it was the best show ever.

The threesome scene – House of Cards Season 2

Here’s the video. I realize it’s not really explicit, and it might not even be hot for those who don’t watch the show. But come on! It’s Kevin Spacey / terrifying Frank Underwood, kissing a hot guy. It’s worth all the youporn videos, and more.

If you can’t watch the video below, you can watch it on gawker!

The Underwoods

I really admire this fictional couple. It might seem a bit cold and sad, but it really is the kind of relationship I hope to have in the future. Their partnership is strong and they love each other more than anything or anyone else. But they’re not bullied into the guilt of monogamy, and they can have sex with whomever they want.

The ambiguity

It’s rare to see a character on TV that has so much power and charisma, and who also has a sweet tooth for his own gender. I think it adds a great deal of depth to the character. Earlier on, we discover that Underwood fooled around with a college friend. It is portrayed to perfection, because the character is not only about this, it’s only one of the sides of his personality, and the relationship he has with this friend looks natural and authentic, like any other. There is nothing cliché about it.

The kiss

I was literally screaming – of joy – when I saw Frank and his bodyguard kiss. The three of them make a seriously hot pair trio and I think it’s bold and awesome that we can see this sort of scene in a show. Thank you Netflix!

  1. Kathy

    March 5, 2014 4:24 pm

    Haven’t watched the serie yet but this scene is really beautiful. It’s good to see that cliché-less scene in such a popular one !

  2. […] EDIT: Fan of House of Cards and Threesomes? You can also watch Kevin Spacey getting all tangled in a hot trio… […]

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