Orgasms are great, but we never really see what happens after climax in most porn films. For me, that moment after you roll on your back and have a breath is fully part of the sex. It’s usually silent, you’re trying to catch your breath and feel the full extent of the relief. It’s peaceful.

Monica Bellucci and Vincent Cassel

I watched this movie a long time ago. I love the actors and the way it’s shot, but I will never watch it again in my life. However, there is a scene between Bellucci and Cassel that I absolutely love. The couple is in the bedroom after they clearly had sex. At this moment, nobody cares about anything. You are naked, you are happy – or I hope so – and the only thing that matters is right now.

By the way, these illustrations of this scene by Vera Lucia Rita are amazing.

irréversible illustrations vera lucia rita



Ok, it’s a cliché. Still, I love to smoke a cigarette after sex, just like Rooney Mara and Daniel Craig in the US version of Millennium.

After Sex Selfies

I came across the young folks’ new Instagram #AfterSex Selfie trend. I don’t see why people get their panties in a bunch over that. It’s a sweet moment. Yes, we all have sex, let’s stop pretending we don’t.

Some of the pics are pretty cute. Check it out.

after sex instagram

after sex instagram

after sex instagram