

What you should know before doing porn

I receive a lot of emails from people who would like to try themselves at porn or even become a serious porn actor. So here are few tips that might help you out if you're considering fucking on camera. If you have more questions, feel free to leave a comment at the bottom of the…

On the set of Pure, my first feature film

Hey everybody, I've been quite busy the last few weeks. I have just finished shooting my feature film, Pure, but the process started way before... EDIT: Pure is now titled DAWN, watch it ! French debacle I told everybody about my great feature film project with a French TV production company...…

Mirror Mirror, shooting with Maria Riot and Jesse Stryder

Hey everybody. I'm in the midst of shooting my first feature film so I don't have much time - we're about to start Day 3 of shooting - but I wanted to post a few pictures from the shoot I did last week with Maria Riot and Jesse Stryder. EDIT: Mirror Mirror is now [eafl…

Shooting porn with good vibes

Why should porn be so serious? You can transmit so much more by letting the people be and accept that you can't control everything on a porn shoot. It's so much more fun to see what happens, to share a laugh, to accept and recognize everybody's uniqueness. Shooting porn, why so serious? It's not just…

A week end of shooting porn in Berlin

Shooting a chill and fun scene with two friends on a sunny Sunday in Berlin is how I love to end the week. A Beautiful Sunday After few hours of sleep - it's always when I need to gather my energy that my brain keeps me from shutting an eye, I went to Olympe de…

My first time shooting anal sex

I've had anal sex myself, but as a pornographer, last Friday was the first time I ever saw and shot two people practicing anal sex in front of me. And it was fucking good! EDIT - the film Newbie is now fully available . Let me tell you a bit more about…

In the shoes of a feminist pornographer #1 – On Set

This week has been tough. First, I dropped my phone into the toilet. It’s only after a second that I realized I hadn’t in fact taken a dump but that it was my phone, indeed, which was lying there, in the water. I wasn’t so alarmed at first, which doesn’t…

Sex and Ink in Barcelona – Behind the scenes

Hey folks, I've been in Barcelona this week to shoot my latest film and although it's my last day and it's pouring rain outside, I wanted to give you a glimpse of all the fun we had shooting some porn at Siha Tattoo, the place where I got my last tattoo done... We shot Alex…

Shooting femporn : The Vice Box

Today my team and I shot my new film, The Vice Box - that's the film's code name, not sure if it will be the final title. I had the pleasure of shooting in a beautiful apartment in Berlin, with Theo Meow and Candy Flip. ♥ The film is now available in full on [eafl…

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