
sex diary

Sex diary : My first tantric massage

A couple of weeks ago, I met a guy at a party. Nothing extraordinary there, except we're in Berlin and nothing is ordinary here. He said he had been doing tantra massages for years and offered to give me one... So, obviously, I ran to get my bag and gave him my card. My first tantric massage I…

Sex diary : surviving my break up

I was about to write an article about a few fun tools to deal with a break up, because, well, I have been dealing with a tough break up myself these last few weeks. However, I realized that I have no fucking clue about what to do after a separation. So I'm just going to…

Sex Diary : My best and worst sexual moments

I had sex for the first time when I was 18. Since then, I've had various experiences and this post will reflect 9 years of active sex life, with the good, the bad and the ugly. Sex is, for me, a constant exploration, and sometimes bad things happen, but looking back at all these moments…

Sex diary : Berlin Sex Party, part II

So about a month ago, I went to my first sex party ever. I know, I was so right to move to Berlin! I wrote a whole article about it for you to find out about the juicy details. Last Monday, I went back to Schwelle for the Full Moon party, and I had a…

Sex Diary : My first sex party

When I came to Berlin, I knew I was going to experience new things. It's kind of the whole reason I left Barcelona. The city that I felt had nothing left to offer me was replaced by a new place, with new possibilities, new people and new mentalities. Berlin is famous for having a lot…

6 confessions of a girl who makes porn

Over this last year, writing this blog and making movies, I can say I have learned a lot about myself, sex or otherwise. So, I'm going to lower the bar of my privacy yet a little bit more and let you in on a few confessions and things that I've picked up along the way.…

Sex Diary: Why Futurama’s Bender is my sex totem [gifs]

What is a sex totem? I couldn't say, but I think it fits this situation pretty well. Relaxation plays a big part in reaching climax, but if you're like me, all wired up and thinking about the fate of humanity at 3 a.m., relaxation doesn't come easy. You might wonder what Bender has to do…

A Tale Of A Kinky Afternoon Quickie [gifs]

The other day, I received a text. "Hey, u busy?". About an hour later, I was on my way to my friend's house for a formal afternoon quickie... The weather was sultry that day. It was one of these summer afternoons when you're wearing flip flops and carrying an umbrella. Barcelona has been extremely warm…

Sex Diary : My first threesome

This week was pretty interesting. I downloaded this 3nder app, Tinder's little cousin that aims at finding threesomes near you. I wanted to check it out, you know, for professional curiosity... since I'm already a frequent Tinder user. I didn't think it would be that easy, but that same day, I got in touch with…

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