
jesse stryder

My new bright and shiny scene, Mirror Mirror

Hey everybody, I'm happy to report that my new short, Mirror Mirror, is now online. It stars Maria Riot and Jesse Stryder having fun with their own hot reflections, watching themselves through another perspective. The beginning of the film takes place in the dark. That's why I suggest wearing headphones for a better sound quality,…

Mirror Mirror, shooting with Maria Riot and Jesse Stryder

Hey everybody. I'm in the midst of shooting my first feature film so I don't have much time - we're about to start Day 3 of shooting - but I wanted to post a few pictures from the shoot I did last week with Maria Riot and Jesse Stryder. EDIT: Mirror Mirror is now [eafl…

My GoPro film is out! Watch ‘Follow The White Rabbit’

Remember the last scene I shot in Berlin, with a GoPro on my forehead? Well, it's out, and it's called . Follow The White Rabbit Once again, it's totally different from my previous films. From the first second, you follow me into a tiny Berlin apartment and witness…

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