Symmetry, a love poem

We don’t hear much talk about love in the porn world. That’s why sometimes, it’s nice to remind ourselves that love can be the key ingredient in a successful sex story. It doesn’t have to be the “head over heels” kind of love, it can be small, brief, drunk or drugged, it’s still love. In this short film, Nina Reithmeier reads the poem called Symmetry by Robert Grant.


Yes, poets still exist. Robert Grant is a writer and poet from Berlin, and although he still uses Myspace, he is indeed from our time… I love the sound of the heart beating in the background, and how this scene is not cheesy at all, but nothing less than exciting and hypnotizing. No clichés. Just heartfelt poetry.

So here’s a little piece of erotic, warm, authentic words and images on love.

I don’t know what it is anymore,

This thing known as love,

I’m scared,

So worried that it turns out to just be a word


Orgasmic throws of symmetry,

As we tumble through this testament,

Not just a word,

We held our hands entangled,

Touched each other softly,

And quietly screamed…

Check out Nina Reithmeier’s facebook page.

Symmetry…a love poem. from robert grant on Vimeo.

1 Comment
  1. […] seems everything comes in pair. Yesterday, we watched a beautiful poetic video and today it seems we will be delighted by the spoken word again. P O W D E R is the name of a […]

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