Subject 18, an animated porno

I am so happy, I can finally get some sleep, now. I have spent the last two weeks working on this short animated scene. Check out the teaser of Subject 18 below.

Watch Subject 18 in full here.


Subject 18 – Everything is possible

This illustrated pornographic short, which you can watch on my platform,, came about after I spent a long time thinking about learning animation. Imagine having no actors, no locations, no shooting dates, no condoms, no paperwork… With drawing, anything is possible. Imagine making porn without any limitation. Everything that goes through your mind can be put on paper. That’s both a wonderful and scary thought.

So, I started thinking about what I would draw. Something not too difficult at first, but it had to be something I couldn’t do in real life, without magical powers or a gigantic budget. The only cost was my time and a bad wrist pain, but it was worth it.

Subject 18 is my first attempt at materializing this new found pornographic freedom in the form of illustrated animation. It’s a lot of work but I have MANY ideas for future episodes and I do love the freedom it gives me. You see, when I shoot porn, I like to give all the freedom to the actors, because they are the ones having sex and it’s about their chemistry, their personality, their pleasure. They take the reigns and I am a mere observer, capturing the moment as discreetly as possible. Now, with the animated format, it’s a whole other world of possibilities, where I get to control every aspect of it.

Subject 18 is only the beginning!

Watch Subject 18 now on CS

Sbject 18 commonsensual

1 Comment
  1. Lyra

    August 24, 2021 5:20 pm

    Does anyone know anywhere I can watch this as it seems to have disappeared off of CC 🙁

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