Spanking on screen : Mainstream VS Porn [videos]

Like many things in sex, some words and activities get devoured by ignorance. Much like anal sex or BDSM in general, spanking has acquired a fame that doesn’t always do it justice. With this selection of scenes from tv, mainstream movies and porn films, we can see how differently spanking is portrayed and the wide range of feelings and situations it can cover…

The spanking fantasy cliché

It’s not a cliché in the sense that many people truly do have this fantasy – me included – but I feel that spanking is often depicted as, well, just that. A silly, quirky fantasy that always results in an embarrassing situation.  Of course, we’re not going to expect full, sexually satisfying spanking sessions on TV in broad day light, so we take what we can get. These two scenes from Bored To Death and The Big Bang Theory are pretty hilarious.

Point of Contact – Tina’s Ass

Now this is different! Tina Horn is a spanking lover and animator of the podcast Why are people into that? 

This scene is the real thing. Everybody is just drawn to her gorgeous ass. I love it when she explains that what gets her off is finding someone who is truly a masochist. The atmosphere is relaxed because they all understand and love spanking. Watch the full scene here.

Zahra Stardust and Pandora Blake

These two fem porn goddesses met at the Feminist Porn Awards, this year, in Toronto. Ms Naughty from Bright Desire shot a scene during which the spanking expert spanks Zahra into sweet oblivion. In this video, you can watch them after the session, talking about the experience and applying some cream onto a red bum… That will show you what a real spanking is all about!

Click here to watch the fully explicit scene with Pandora and Zahra.

A Dangerous Method

I chose this scene because Fassbender and Knightley are just gorgeous and also because I like her theory about sexuality being at its peak when the ego is suppressed.

1 Comment
  1. […] I wrote about the differences of mainstream films and porn when it comes to spanking. I didn’t want to stop there without showing the best spanking gifs of the […]

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