Sex and sun for real-life couple Wendy and Dave

Authenticity is what has been missing from most porn. There doesn’t have to be love, but at least, a connection, real desire… That’s what I love about Bright Desire. So check out real-life couple Wendy and Dave having hot sex in their own bedroom.

Wendy and Dave, real-life couple shot by Ms. Naughty

The sun is passing through the window, and we can see this couple, Wendy, hot blond, and Dave, sexy tattooed, muscly guy, having sex in their bed. Sometimes, people think that watching a real couple having sex is dull, or they mistakenly classify these scenes in the “girly, romantic” category, which couldn’t be farther from the truth. It’s just real! They both long for each other, they know what the other one likes, they actually want to kiss and give each other pleasure. This is the reason why I only want to shoot real-life couples for my films as well. There is no other way to capture authenticity and genuine pleasure.

Ms Naughty is a writer, porn filmmaker and webmistress. She used to be a journalist, and a few years ago, she set up the site For The Girls, an adult website for straight women, which I actually promote here. She also writes erotic fiction and had stories published in Best Women’s Erotic 2008 and 2012.

You should definitely check out her work!

wendy and dave real-life couple bright desire

wendy and dave bright desire real-life couple

wendy and dave bright desire real-life couple

wendy and dave bright desire real-life couple

  1. Janis

    February 13, 2014 12:44 pm

    Very much doubt they are a real life couple, just a well acted scene. She has been in porn (Abby Winters etc) for years – Anneka – and also works as a hooker in Melbourne and so does the whole “fake love” thing for a living.

    • Lucie Blush

      February 13, 2014 1:45 pm

      Oh I had no idea! I thought Ms Naughty only shot real couples :/ The scene is still pretty hot though 🙂

  2. Franky

    January 24, 2020 1:32 pm

    Janis,do you know what name she works under in Melbourne?

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