Sex Diary : My first threesome

This week was pretty interesting. I downloaded this 3nder app, Tinder’s little cousin that aims at finding threesomes near you. I wanted to check it out, you know, for professional curiosity… since I’m already a frequent Tinder user. I didn’t think it would be that easy, but that same day, I got in touch with this guy and his girlfriend and next thing I know, I was having a threesome. Let me tell you all about it…

My first threesome

So having a threesome has always been in my top 5 fantasies. Initially, I was more inclined to have a trio with two guys, but I like to try everything once so I played the game. We started texting, then sexting. He would show the messages to his girlfriend and tell me how it made her wet to picture me being turned on and then joining them. We sexted for two days, building it up as much as we could, sending each other pictures and teasing ourselves. And then came the time to set a date and time to meet up.

We chose to meet at my place at 8pm. I cleaned the whole place, put on some nice music, straightened my hair and put on some lipstick, while wearing something sexy but casual. They brought wine, which I offered to open a few minutes after they settled in. I thought it might make me look nervous, which I was.


We chatted for a while, talked about our lives, our travels. Then, she went to the bathroom and he got closer to me, started kissing me. It was pretty exhilarating to know that his girlfriend was only a few meters away. When she came back to the living room, we were full-on kissing. Just to be sure, I asked her: “Is that ok?”. She said “Yeah”, and smiled. She just sat down and watched us for a while, until we started getting our clothes off. He was behind me. She was in front of me. They were both taking my clothes off. And I kissed her. She was so delicate and soft and smelled so nice. I loved the feeling of being surrounded, it was like being sweetly devoured and I could let myself go, especially since they are such nice, laid back people.

“This would be such a cool shot for a film”

We slowly moved to the bed and we started fooling around, biting a nipple here, sucking a lip there. At some point, she was on top of me, gently kissing my body, while he got behind her and penetrated her. I remember thinking “wow, this would be such a cool shot for one of my films!”.

Important: You may know that I’m going to perform in my next film myself, in a scene with the actress Molly Dae. This will be my first time having full-on girl-on-girl sex. I’ve already kissed and caressed girls, I pretty much went to second base during a few drunken nights, but I never really went further than that. During the threesome, she was mostly watching and caressing us while her boyfriend and I were fucking.



The fact that she was watching really turned me on, but also distracted me a little bit because I suddenly had to worry about how I looked and how she was seeing me. It was really hot that night and we were all sweating. I remember saying “I’m so sweaty”, and she said: “It’s alright, it’s just sweat”, before gently kissing me on the forehead where a big drop of sweat was going down my face. I kind of fell in love with her at that precise moment.

I remember being able to extend my arm and grasp a caress on her skin, running my fingers on her tits. It was a little weird touching boobs that weren’t mine, but weird in a good way. She mostly watched us, with a sereine and lusty look on her face. I think he enjoyed her watching us too.

It felt like we were all lovers. It was so relaxed, sweet and hot at the same time.

After we finished, we stayed naked on the bed for a while, talking. Then we took a quick shower, put our clothes back on and talked some more, until they left. They both kissed me on the mouth while getting out the door. We are planning another experience together in a little while.


  1. […] I gloriously announced the other day, I had my first threesome a few days ago with a lovely, hot M/F couple. As much as I like girls, I […]

  2. Clint

    October 7, 2019 9:48 pm

    Thank you for writing about this evening, it brings back some beautiful memories that we still fantasise about…

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