Queer As Folk, the nostalgy of hot gay sex on screen

As you know, I like to dedicate Mondays to gay sex. It’s pretty difficult, however, to find great gay sex videos out there! There is a lot of gay porn but artistic, natural or beautiful gay erotica is pretty hard to come by. That’s why I really miss the time of Queer As Folk. I watched the American show years ago, I even bought every season on DVD. I miss the super hot guys, the unashamed sex, the insights on a sometimes lost community, and the sweet moments as well! That’s why I picked two very hot sex scenes from the show for you tonight!

Queer As Folk, a show with balls*!

*FYI: I hate the expression “grow some balls”. Having balls, thus being a man, doesn’t mean a person is braver or worthier… But this his show has balls, literally, and I couldn’t resist the pun…

The show ended eight years ago, and it’s still  a reference when it comes to gay sex on TV. It ran for five seasons and the characters evolved without clichés, trying to be happy, to have a great sex life, and fighting against homophobia. It showed uneasy topics like teen sex, prostitution, HIV, pedophilia (or accusations of it), drugs, and love. The main characters are 29-year-old Brian (Gale Harold), a narcissistic stud who fucks every pretty ass he sees, and only believes in sex. He meets Justin (Randy Harrison) and takes the virginity of this seventeen-year-old artist-to-be who, of course, will fall madly in love with Brian. There’s also Mickey, Brian’s best friend, an insecure and sweet guy who looks for love. He will eventually meet Ben, an HIV-positive professor. And then we have Emmett, a tall flamboyant guy and Ted, the insecure accountant who watches too much porn. There’s also a lesbian couple, Melanie and Lindsay, and Debbie, Michael’s overprotective mum.

Of course the show was great, but what I loved the most, were the many hot sex scenes! Enjoy these two, they feature Brian and Justin, and Ben and Michael.

This is the first episode. Brian and Justin have just met, and a lot will happen!


  1. […] the guys can also fantasize about Charlie Hunnam with actual gay scenes, from the UK show Queer as Folk. Ok, he’s pretty young in this series, but he was already very charming and […]

  2. […] don’t want to get my hopes up and imagine it could be as good as my all time favorite, Queer As Folk, but I will give it a […]

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