My new bright and shiny scene, Mirror Mirror

Hey everybody, I’m happy to report that my new short, Mirror Mirror, is now online. It stars Maria Riot and Jesse Stryder having fun with their own hot reflections, watching themselves through another perspective.

The beginning of the film takes place in the dark. That’s why I suggest wearing headphones for a better sound quality, since we shot that scene in a way that the sound would guide the audience. Let me know what you think!

Check out Poppy Sanchez, who did the camera work with me.

Watch the film here ♥

  1. Ed

    July 26, 2017 6:54 am

    Wow. Very very nice – absolutely gorgeous would love to meet you

  2. Madison

    October 16, 2017 9:03 am

    22 y/o lady (going on 23.) I’ve had lots of long-term relationships involving sex. I’m open about sex and even was that person at the college that gave out condoms from the health center, but I never watched much porn because I thought it was gross. Came across this after a quick google search for porn for women, watched this film. It made me cry. I didn’t know sex could be like that. Thank you

  3. Stephen

    December 22, 2019 5:30 pm

    Awesome! The mrs and I just watched this together. Fantastic! Inspirational!

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