Miss Macaroni by Stop[gap] or the importance of self-play

When I talk to girl friends of mine, I’m always surprised to hear that some of them never masturbate. “I have a boyfriend” or “oh no, that’s weird” are the excuses that often come back. However, I do believe that self exploration and masturbation are essential to figure out what your body and mind dig in bed.

Miss Macaroni

To illustrate this, I’ve selected this video by Stop[gap], a Photographer from Nashville. The model, Miss Macaroni, is wandering the curves of her own body, allowing us not only to admire her natural beauty in full but to be inspired by her self-confidence and sexual aura.

What do you think?

stop[gap] – miss macaroni from stop[gap] on Vimeo.

1 Comment
  1. Carlos

    January 23, 2015 1:32 am

    All the stop(gap) videos are fucking amazing..

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