Match Mates – Fixing up my porn star friends

This is a film by the wonderful Joybear crew that I really appreciate. The concept of the film is that Liselle Bailey is an ex-teacher who converted to filming porn. She has plenty of porn star friends and she loves to fix them up and shoot them having hot sex. It’s a very fun “mise en abyme” and this scene is particularly relaxed and awesome.

Match Mates

In this scene, Liselle gathers three porn stars together, Michelle Moist, Claudia Rossi and Jay Snake. The sex in itself is ok, it’s pretty hot, but what makes it special is that you can see the filmmaker interacting with the actors, they all laugh and feel comfortable. I think it really adds value to a scene when you can see the context. This scene feels really natural and spontaneous. It’s just a group of people having genuine fun together and the fact that Liselle is right there directing them makes it even sexier.

There is no complicated or fake storyline. WYSIWYG. It’s exactly what it’s like on a real shooting and I’m sure a lot of people will like the transparency and chilled atmosphere. 

Watch on Joybear

matchmates by joybear

  1. Amy

    June 21, 2015 8:24 pm

    Thank you for this review Lucie. It’s helped me to discover Joybears and Liselle Bailey as a director.
    Amy xx

  2. cameron

    April 2, 2016 11:51 pm

    Fucking hottttttttttt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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