James Deen, the boy next door from mainstream porn

With (almost) the same name as James Dean and a good ressemblance to the actor who made millions of women fall in love with him, James Deen is quite the actor himself. I don’t usually talk about mainstream porn here, but I think he’s great, and it would be hypocritical of me to completely dismiss traditional porn when I talk about sex and porn all the time on this site.

Why do I think he’s great? Well…

>>By the way, if you want to see more of James Deen, check out his site<<

James Deen, cute and devoted

He really doesn’t fit with the usual description of men in mainstream porn. He’s not super muscled and he doesn’t look angry all the time. Instead, he’s pretty, like any hot guy we may encounter on the street. We sometimes forget that traditional porn also puts a huge burden on men when it comes to looks and sizes… It’s fair to say that James Deen is the guy next door, the embodiment that any guy can have fun if he’s willing to treat women with respect and give them a lot of pleasure.

james deen gif tumblr

Orgasm provider

We’re used to seeing men just taking advantage of women in porn. They come, they take what they want, and come again. I love that Deen actually enjoys giving pleasure to his partners. He makes it a nice experience every time. From the scenes I’ve seen with him, he loves giving head. And I love his voice! We’re usually not in the position to talk about a porn actor’s voice, but in this case, Deen is quite the talker. He openly expresses how much he loves fucking his partner and his enthusiasm adds a lot to the scene. It’s not just an act, he’s 100%. Besides, we often reduce men’s pleasure to the amount of cum at the end of the scene. First, gross. Second, men feel pleasure during the whole sex act and I think it’s a great turn on for many women, to know your partner is feeling it deep.

It’s been said that he’s the star of “lady porn”. That term is horrible, please never use it. There is no lady porn, just porn that respects women, and porn that doesn’t. It is impossible to generalize the tastes of all women, because every woman is different. I don’t even think he’s a feminist porn star, well, he’s not. But, in a way, the balance of roles and pleasures is back where it should be: with two people enjoying themselves. I’m not saying actors are not sex objects in the scene, but at least with Deen, it feels like both man and woman are objects. And as long as there’s a healthy vice-versa, it’s all good.

Something else that I like about him: the way he grabs the girl. It’s not violent. It’s firm but gentle. It shows he has confidence and still respects you and your body.

The natural touch

James Deen has been having a huge success simply because of a few things that differ from mainstream porn: the natural touch. His scenes are filled with natural and spontaneous acts of affection like kissing, whispering… Said like this, it doesn’t sound like much, but it’s sad to say that in the porn industry, this kind of things are not common at all.

Ok, his films are still 100% mainstream. We still have cum on the face and sleezy plots. So I think it’s worth the look and, this way, you can make up your own mind.

Here are two scenes that I’ve selected for you. You can watch more on James’ site! You can also follow him on tumblr.

Zoe Voss Vs James Deen My Dads Hot Girlfriend Zoe, a Fashion Model, is Getting Ready to Go Out on a Casting Call and Cant Decide What to Wea… with Zoe Voss porn actress in pornstar videos

Also, the internets have been buzzing for a few days about a new movie called The Canyons starring Lindsay Lohan and our pretty James Deen. The two of them are supposed to have a sex scene together, we’ll be watching…

Trailer below!

  1. […] boys and girls, today we have a very savory treat for our Sunday routine. Modern porn star James Deen and Mia Malkova share a very hot, sweet and passionate sex scene together… Don’t miss […]

  2. […] X-Art crew always know how to drop our panties… This new scene starts Ashley and pretty boy next door, James Deen. Sounds like an explosive combination don’t you think? Well, don’t just […]

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