
Good Porn

Run – Alexei Jackson and Amarna Miller get sweaty

Hey everybody, I'm currently enjoying my first Berlin festival, dancing and sleeping in the woods with some nice music. The first thing I thought was... Wow, it would be so cool to shoot a porn film here! Professional habit, I suppose... BUT! I never forget you peeps, so I have scheduled this nice little scene…

The journey of a happy strap-on

Once upon a time, there was a young dildo and its belt, waiting to be used to satisfy its... hosts. All it wanted was to explore the deep cavities of our soul and top it with delicious orgasms. The beginning First, it crossed paths with an unexperienced girl who wasn't too sure about it, but inspired…

Blow My Mind – My new dream scene with Amarna Miller

The moment when you put a project together is very special. My new film Blow My Mind is the result of a crazy idea I had and it's now with great pleasure that I present it to you, my dear pervs! ♥ Watch the full scene here ♥ [jwplayer player="1" mediaid="52614"] Blow My Mind : Amarna…

‘Love’ – 3D porn by Gaspar Noe

Everybody is commenting on the current Cannes festival, from films to celebrity dresses and even the height of female guests' heels. They're also talking about Gaspar Noe's new film, Love, a 3D two-hour-long explicit movie about an American guy and his girlfriend Elektra when they decide to include another woman into their relationship. Love, Sex & Porn…

J’fais du porno et j’aime ça

I have already mentioned the beautiful short films by Belgian lingerie reference, la Fille D'O, and today, we enjoy even more sweetness from them, especially their founder, Murielle Scherre. J'fais du porno et j'aime ça / I make porn and I like it. In J'fais du porno et j'aime ça, Scherre has gathered 12 stories from…

La crème de la crème of feminist porn #FPA2015

Remember my Canadian adventure last year, when I attended the Feminist Porn Awards in Toronto? Well, a year has already passed and it's time to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the now international event created by sex shop Good For Her. I won't be going this year because apparently it's not safe to take the…

The 3 hottest X-Art couples

I've been browsing scenes by X-Art for a while now. As you know, their style is very clean and minimalistic. While it's not always to my taste - remember, I like it dirty - I often find a special beauty and chemistry between their performers. So here's my top 3 of X-Art couples. Enjoy! #3…

A Handy Partner – Attraction never lies

When you don't have a good feeling about someone, there's pretty much nothing you can do about it. Sometimes, it just doesn't click, but when it does, then you have to do like Casey and Charlie - played by Satine Spark and Luke Hotrod - in 'A Handy Partner' and go fuck during business hours.…

The best of ‘Alt Porn 4 U’

A little while ago, I talked to you about Spanish actress Irina Vega, since she acted in my latest film, , with her boyfriend and partner in crime, Fenyx Santos. Today, I wanted to show you some of her own content, from her website 'Alt Porn 4 U'.…

Baby youre frozen

I remember watching this scene at the Porn Film Festival in Berlin, where I briefly met Sadie Lune, the director of Baby youre frozen. Baby youre frozen Thanks to the magic of the Internet, we can now enjoy sex in a completely different way. Of course, nothing will replace real contact, but when you're away…

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