Gay Porn Monday, Travis Mathews & locker room action

Mondays are rough. To make them better, here’s a selection of explicit videos full of naked guys having sex for our usual Gay Porn Monday ritual! This post will also include videos by talented Film Maker Travis Mathews.

#1 – Gay sex on screen thanks to Travis Mathews : In Their Room.

Travis Mathews is a Film Director and Screenwriter from San Francisco. He’s made lots of documentaries and videos about gay sex and relationships, showing homosexuality to people in a raw and natural way.

This video is a sample of a video series called In Their Room. This one is from the Berlin series. In Their Room is about gay men, bedrooms, sex and intimacy.

You can check out this project here.

#2 – Interior. Leather Bar. By Travis Mathews and James Franco.

This other video is the teaser for Interior. Leather Bar.

In order to avoid an X rating, 40 minutes of gay S&M footage was rumored to be cut and destroyed from the 1980 film, “Cruising.”

Inspired by the mythology of this controversial film, Travis Mathews teamed up with James Franco and imagined their own lost footage.

God I love James Franco.

INTERIOR. LEATHER BAR. trailer from Travis Mathews on Vimeo.

#3 – Locker Room Action

Imagine a group of hot gay guys fooling around in the locker room, touching, playing pranks… All you can imagine is in this video! I found it on QuinnCJaxon’s vimeo profile, a trained Dancer, Model and Actor from Los Angeles.

#4 – Medieval and naked bonus

Penises. I see penises everywhere! This video called Al Maig (meaning month of May) features four hot guys taking their clothes off and showing us their private parts, with a troubadour song in the background. Crazy, right?

According to the video description, May is “the time of year when nature becomes lush and sensual and therefore refers to the time of fullness of Spring and the Awakening of love.”

–EDIT– Just realized this video can’t be embedded, so if you want to check it out click here!

Hope you enjoyed this latest session of Gay Porn Monday!

1 Comment
  1. […] body paint, and you mix it with good music. Doesn’t that sound like heaven? I already posted videos featuring Quinn C Jaxon, but this one is my favorite by […]

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