Dans Le Bas-Ventre – A painting allegory for sex

Remember English class? Metaphors, allegories… This film titled Dans Le Bas-Ventre, is a promo video for an art event organized by the Nebulae collective, which is going to take place on March, 28th. It’s a beautiful allegory for sex, representing the work of Egon Schiele.

Dans Le Bas-Ventre or It tickles down there

My translation is slightly more colloquial, but you get the gist. Schiele was an Austrian artist who did raw, tormented paintings of nudes and self-portraits, depicting desires for sex and death. He went deep into the thoughts of the human self, away from our society’s taboos.

The film mixes very well the act of painting and the pleasures of sex, with a soundtrack that gives goose pimples. The brush becomes the arm, the stroke becomes the caress, the canvas becomes the body. Art aims at moving us, and this video shows a great parallel between the emotions we feel inside of us when observing a painting and feeling sexual pleasure, depicting the inner turmoil and even the outer contractions of our body under the influence of pleasure.

Nebulae’s concept is pretty awesome, reinventing the typical museum visit and replacing it by a full-blown culture shot with music and parties.

Dans le Bas-Ventre Teaser from NEBULAE on Vimeo.

1 Comment
  1. sophie

    March 19, 2014 10:56 pm

    good review 😉

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