Chaser, a thought-provoking gay short film

This film by Sal Bardo is pretty awesome. It follows a young – and hot – schoolteacher, played by Max Rhyser, who also happens to be gay. He feels alienated from his conservative Jewish family and will seek comfort in New York’s barebacking scene.


His older brother is getting married to a Jewish girl and they’re already making plans to have lots of kids. His parents are over the moon and don’t really focus on him or give him the support he needs. So, he goes to a party, better said fuckfest, and enjoys a while of inhibited sex with strangers.

It’s not a film about sex, but it sure plays a big role in it and everything is connected, what he teaches his students about love and pain, about being frustrated, the boring family lunch about marriage and houses and babies, and the way he gets relief at the orgy. There’s also a ray of hope when he meets the bouncer at the party, played by Ismael Cruz Cordova, it would be great to see how their relationships evolves.

I’m not a gay man obviously, but I can really empathize with being judged or left out.

I was also wondering why it’s called “Chaser”, and I found out that the term chaser can be used to describe an outsider who is sexually attracted to people within the community.

So, check it out. Here are two reviews about the film:

“A resolutely humanistic approach that leaves an impression not easily forgotten.” – Interview Magazine.
“The best of what short films should be; thought-provoking, eye-opening and reflective of the community we live in.” – Williamsburg Greenpoint News

Follow the film on Facebook or buy it right here.

Chaser (Full Movie) from Sal Bardo on Vimeo.

  1. kent

    July 3, 2016 10:25 pm

    actually it’s about barebacking. A chaser is a guy who wants HIV.

  2. BG Thomas

    May 29, 2019 3:27 pm

    I do not understand what a “a while of inhibited sex” is. Did you mean uninhibited sex? And what is “a while” of sex even mean?

    • Lucie Blush

      May 31, 2019 11:19 am

      Wow that was a long time ago! Yes I guess I meant uninhibited sex. Sorry English is not my first language! 🙂

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