

Wanna be a porn star? Here’s Porn 101

Ever thought about performing in front of the camera? Many of us joke about it, or we record ourselves in the privacy of our own house. However, others actually do take the plunge, some of them thinking it's going to be a dream job, filled with money, awesome sex and mansions. But porn is a…

Hottest posts and sex trends of the year

I have a feeling that 2014 is going to be even hotter than 2013, but this last year has been one of the sexiest and most exciting! Here are a few conclusions about what you like my little pervs... I think it's important to analyze what people want, what they look for, what they crave.…

Sex news of the week: fashion + porn + underwear

People love to talk about sex. And thanks to the Internet, the conversation grows wider and faster. This week, the talk's been pretty interesting... 1. Fashion Or Porn This game got viral this week. Check out this page and start playing: you have to guess from a tiny piece of a picture if it's fashion or…

10 things about sex I would say to 15-year-old me

When I was a teenager, apart from thinking I was going to die a virgin, I had many misconceptions about sex. However, as I grew older (I am now 26), I have learned a few things. I've had good and bad experience, and I know I still have much to learn, but if I could…

Aura and Isi : real couple and porn stars of Alice Inside

EDIT: The film Alice Inside is now available! You can watch it for free here. Hey everybody, I'm glad to tell you that the teaser of my new film, Alice Inside, got more than 6.000 plays, and counting. So first of all, thank you so much for watching! Today, the post will be a little…

Hot men and kittens… What else?

Here's a classic eye-candy post for you! It reunites two of the Internet's favorite things: hot men and kittens! I have just found this French tumblr called Des hommes et des chatons and it simply made my day! Hot men and kittens, heaven on the internetz The concept is simple: just put a picture of…

James Deen, the boy next door from mainstream porn

With (almost) the same name as James Dean and a good ressemblance to the actor who made millions of women fall in love with him, James Deen is quite the actor himself. I don't usually talk about mainstream porn here, but I think he's great, and it would be hypocritical of me to completely dismiss traditional…

My friends and I talk about our masturbation habits

As you know May is Masturbation Month! Let's remember that masturbating is healthy and it is nothing to be shameful of! That's why last week end I interviewed my friends, and myself, about our masturbation habits, to prove that everybody does it and that it's ok. As you can see they were very open-minded and…

My week in 14 explicit gifs [NSFW]

Sunday Expectations: I was going to clean up the house, do some laundry, wax... Reality: I ended up masturbating at the Internet all day. Monday I woke up asking myself why the hell did I eat so…

Fundawear – The vibrating underwear by Durex

Fundawear is the latest "Durexperiment" around vibrating underwear. The concept: Touch over the Internet. With tiny vibrating engines placed in the bra or boxer short, you can activate the vibrations of your partner's underwear with the help of an app directly from your smartphone, anywhere you are, across the living room or thousands of miles away.…

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