

How doing porn changed my life [gifs]

Since I started writing and 'doing porn', a lot of things have changed for me. First, it was Why are you focusing on sex? Are you personally frustrated? Then it became the funny conversation we'd have at work. But for me, it really changed my life. I started exploring porn and sexual practices I…

Sex Diary: Why Futurama’s Bender is my sex totem [gifs]

What is a sex totem? I couldn't say, but I think it fits this situation pretty well. Relaxation plays a big part in reaching climax, but if you're like me, all wired up and thinking about the fate of humanity at 3 a.m., relaxation doesn't come easy. You might wonder what Bender has to do…

Get high on lube with Foria

Folks, we're going to talk about a sensitive topic today. Sensitive, indeed! My friends would say that I'm a weed lover. I like to indulge from time to time and my guess is that with the new Foria lubricant, this is not going to change. Get your vagina high So the way it works is…

Which Porn Site Is Right For You? [INFOGRAPHICS]

I often get the feeling that it is still difficult for people to find the right porn site. Many crave something different these days, but finding that happy place may prove difficult. Between tube sites and low quality videos, pop-up ads, shy Google search results... The male-dominated pornorama won't make it easy for you to…

Sex Diary : My first time as a porn actress

As you probably already know, a couple of days ago, I shot my new film, in Barcelona, with the fresh Molly Dae who came all the way from the UK. This shoot was different because, I was to perform in it, meaning have sex in front of the camera and be a porn actress for…

Up All Night – ‘The Making Of’

I like to shoot 'behind the scenes' videos and make making of's that give a taste of what it's like being on the set of a porn shoot. Directing is the most challenging part of my job and setting a pleasant atmosphere for the actors is crucial. The Making Of This shoot was a real…

Sex Diary : My first time pegging a man

The moment has come. These last few weeks have been filled with this holiday atmosphere - even though I have a lot of work to do - and I have to admit that I'm having a lot of fun. Beach, friends, ice creams and sex. A lot of it. A friend and I were talking…

10 sex things I can’t wait to try, in gifs

The main reason I run this site is because I want to share my experiences as I explore my sexuality. For a long time, I didn't enjoy sex as much as I could and listened to my girl friends say they don't like sex and that's just a fact. I couldn't accept that and I…

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