20 strangers make out in Tatia Pilieva’s First Kiss

Tatia Pilieva is a filmmaker based in Los Angeles, and her latest film, First Kiss, has gone viral today, like wild fire. She asked twenty strangers to kiss, for the first time, in front of her camera. This is the result:

First Kiss

This film is pretty amazing to me, because it shows a real emotion. Even though these people have never met before, they start sharing a bond and they create a connection. Before the kiss, it’s a bit awkward, but they look at each other, and they go for it. The kisses are all really hot, tender, sexy, like all good first kisses. It’s great to see how two lips kissing can create something as beautiful as this.

After the kiss, it’s obvious that some couples would like to kiss more… It’d be nice to know if they actually stayed in touch. Anyway, this film is refreshing, a little naive, a little naughty too, and I love it.

Please share if you enjoyed it!

first kiss tatia pilieva

  1. Zeliza

    March 18, 2014 8:47 pm

    I adore beautiful moments

  2. […] seems this week’s theme really is kissing! After the First Kiss video and its multiple parodies, and the Kissing loop I told you about yesterday, it’s time to […]

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