6 sex scenes with Alexander Skarsgard + sexy gifs

Ok. It might be borderline “teenagy” but a hot guy is a hot guy, and fantasizing about a six-pack and a V shape isn’t anything to be ashamed of! Today I’ll be focusing on gorgeous Actor Alexander Skarsgard. He might sound a bit cliché with his blond hair and blue eyes but who cares. He’s hot. He’s naked. So shut up and enjoy.

Six Alexander Skarsgard sex scenes coming right up

This Swedish character more commonly known as vampire Eric Northman in True Blood is some very fresh meat we can all enjoy on screen! Besides, True Blood is coming back next month (june 16th) with season 6 so it’s a good idea to remind ourselves of the good bits of the show, right?

Here’s a selection of 6 explicit sex scenes + a little “pre True Blood” bonus video that will make you think about mixt showers… + sexy gifs!

Eric and Nora

Let’s start with two videos of Eric and Nora having hot sex (his vampire sister in the show… don’t ask), first in the comfort of a bed, and then in… a container. You’ll see it’s still super sexy.

Alexander Skarsgard in True Blood Sex Scenes por Guilherme_Henrique_2

Eric & Sookie

Anna Paquin is a lucky lady! After tasting vampire Bill she goes and explores sex with hot viking Eric…

True Blood – Anna Paquin, Alexander Skarsgard… por memker

This other scene with Sookie and Eric is a little bit “glittering” for my taste but that’s what I like about the show, all kinds of sex, all kinds of trouble… Plus, sex in the woods… fun!

This one shows a very brief (but intense, maybe too intense…) sex scene with Eric and some girl attached in the basement. Yeah, vampires aren’t supposed to be nice!

Alexander Skarsgård sex scene in true blood por xCaHGx

Eric & Talbot

Yes, in this show, everyone pretty much fucks everyone. This scene is the reason why I love this show: no freaking clichés. Now, two hot vampires having gay sex… thank you HBO!

Bonus video

This one is a piece of footer of young Alexander Skarsgard rubbing himself in the shower. Do whatever you want to do with it….

Time for Alexander Skarsgard sexy gifs

alexander skarsgard naked gif
Source: http://awyeasexymen.tumblr.com/
alexander skarsgard naked gif
Source: http://manhuntdaily.com

alexander skarsgard naked gif

alexander skarsgard naked gif

alexander skarsgard naked gif
Source: http://jjb.yuku.com/
1 Comment
  1. […] For more sex scenes from True Blood, read this post about Sookie and Bill  or this one about Eric Northman’s (Alexander Skarsgard) sexy scenes! […]

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