A week end of shooting porn in Berlin

Shooting a chill and fun scene with two friends on a sunny Sunday in Berlin is how I love to end the week.

A Beautiful Sunday

After few hours of sleep – it’s always when I need to gather my energy that my brain keeps me from shutting an eye, I went to Olympe de G‘s house to shoot some casual afternoon sex. It was her first time performing but she and Parker Marx already had a great chemistry.

It truly was a beautiful Sunday. The light was amazing. Music was playing in the streets.

They had intense and beautiful sex together, as authentic as it can be, which is why I think it’s going to make for an incredible scene.

Check out Olympe’s tumblr for more behind the scenes pictures.

Coming soon on luciemakesporn.com!

EDIT – The scene is now fully available here.

olympe de g and parker marx

olympe de g lucie blush parker marx

lucie blush

shooting feminist porn

olympe and parker

shooting porn in berlin

sex in the shower


1 Comment
  1. cristian

    May 13, 2016 1:33 am

    super film ok

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