Sexy En Noir with Jake and Susie

At X-Art, they love to shoot sexy, elegant scenes with pristine sets and gorgeous models. If you feel like slipping on a black dress and heels or a nice suit and be fabulous in the world, then this scene, Sexy En Noir, will definitely give you that last little push.

Sexy En Noir

It’s time to get your nice lingerie out of the bottom drawer and enjoy some sophisticated porn. Jake and Susie are both super hot in this scene and the heat is rising fast.

As you know, I’m more often a sub than a dom and getting fucked by a hot guy in a suit always drives me to my happy place. I usually like casual sex, the quick and dirty kind, but I do enjoy wearing my favorite black panties and change character for a night.

>>Watch Sexy En Noir here<<

jake and susie x-art

sexy en noir x-art

jake and susie x-art

1 Comment
  1. Kendra

    August 12, 2016 1:52 am

    Oh. My. Jake.

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