How to take the perfect dick pic

Oh the dick pic conundrum. I think it is a love/hate relationship. A good dick pic can be exactly what you need, from the perfect person and at the perfect time, or it can be a creepy reminder that life is better spent at home watching Bridget Jones’ Diary. This video is a funny and hot way of showing all the efforts we go through to pimp up our genitals and attract our prey with good lighting and a motivated member. Life is weird.

Long Exposure : The Dick Pic ‘How to’

Adult Magazine has released this video a few weeks ago and it’s pretty amazing. It takes more than a iphone and too many beers to take the perfect selfie. Lighting, preparation, stretching… Everything counts for a professional result.

Seriously though, make the conclusion you want from this video – I’m kind of tired about this selfie debate – and, enjoy!

LONG EXPOSURE [NSFW] from ADULT Magazine on Vimeo.

  1. Mike

    October 30, 2014 2:53 am

    So can your male fans send you their dick pics? 😉

    • Lucie Blush

      November 2, 2014 9:16 pm

      haha sometimes they do! But in my opinion it’s much better when you know the person so that it can become a nice little foreplay session. Strangers’ dick pics are not welcome!

  2. Angus

    October 4, 2015 8:23 am

    American Psycho is a big influence on this (the voicing, character, filming and music are all very similar) – but its’s a great film so that’s a good and positive thing!

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