Submission – Empowered women enjoying bdsm

Today, I have the pleasure of reviewing Submission – Erotica For Women, a collection of six kinky stories, curated and edited by Alex Algren. I am writing this today after I spent last night being submissive myself, to my own master, so it’s safe to say I feel personally close to the empowered and submissive women in these stories…

Truss Issues by Lux Zakari

The first story is Truss Issues by Lux Zakari. What first came to my mind is that the story was well written, without the unfortunately common overuse of stereotypical erotic words. It’s fresh and efficient, and it also depicts a situation that is not often portrayed in erotic content. I’m talking about the fact the Emy is not too sold on bondage, but Samir, her hot lover, convinces her to give it a try. Now, he didn’t force her to do anything she didn’t want to. She is definitely turned on by the idea of him tying her up, but she’s scared, which is what most first-timers feel. Hell, this is how I felt the first time.

When someone first tied me up, I was ready to say “Stop” any minute, I thought I would freak out and maybe have a panic attack. But it never happened and it ended up being a lot of fun. We tend to anticipate our own worst reactions, but if the moment and the person are right, letting yourself go can be one hell of a brave and enjoyable moment.

I love that Zakari talked about this shift in the character, the fact that she says “yes” despite her fear. You can imagine that she ends up loving how Samir ties her up.

The Art Of Darkness by Alison Tyler

People seem to associate BDSM with brute force and misogyny. There is some pain involved, but it’s about trust, about knowing yourself and your limits, more than anything else. The relationship between a master and his or her slave is not about who’s better or superior than the other. I strongly believe that submitting actually makes us stronger.

In The Art Of Darkness, Greer enjoys her kinky games with her master, Killian. However, there is one thing that she won’t do. Blindfolding. She admits she as an irascible fear of the dark but she overcomes it by letting him blindfold her, which helps her not only get over her fear but discover a whole new and exhilarating sexual experience.

This collection of stories is about women who have the guts to take control of their sexuality. In bondage, submission does not equal weakness, but courage. People seem to think BDSM is the antichrist of feminism, when it can actually be a way for women to take control.

Reclaiming by Teresa Noelle Roberts

I absolutely loved this one. Deirdre is a kick-ass business woman who has been away from her partner and master for weeks, since she went on an important business trip. Not allowed to masturbate during her trip, she comes home, hornier than ever. This story is from the man’s perspective, which allows to see that men who hold the “master” position don’t intend to hurt or objectify their slaves, but to share an intense experience with them.

Bondage is a two-way street and diving into both perspectives is crucial to understand the love and symbiosis that it requires.

hot spanking[via]

This is not only a story about the kinky stuff they do, but about the way they find each other again after being away and how happy it makes them to be together again. Her body is his to fondle and the way she begs him to enter her will make your short “before bed” reading experience much more exciting than you thought.

Bondage works on trust and offers you a wide range of emotions that transform sex into a much bigger physical and emotional experience.

I Breathe Your Name by Tess Danesi

Some of my friends don’t understand what I like about being tied up and ordered around. What they don’t understand is that it has nothing to do with being abused. There is an implicit agreement between the two partners that allow them to explore their limits and share something special together, with equality, trust and consent. This relationship sometimes has ups and downs, but the characters of this story have their own way of patching things up and deepen their relationship.

This story is pretty intense. She watches him shower until he grabs her and makes her join him, with her robe on. They fuck while his hand is around her throat, squeezing it until it’s hard for her to breathe. Her brain immediately sends her panic signals. This is not safe. You could die. But she can’t escape the intense pleasure she’s feeling.

I’m not always sure I’m up to the task when I’m offered a kinky play date. Sometimes, it takes a lot out of you, and I haven’t even done any real hardcore stuff. However, the experience is often intense, physically and mentally. But when he orders you to spread your legs, you’d be crazy to say no…

The Weight by Rachel Kramer Bussel

This story is sweet and hot at the same time. Damian is a tall big guy and she just loves the way he lays on her and devours her tiny body. I think a lot of the attraction towards bondage is, somehow, about being eaten alive. She can’t even breathe properly under his weight. There’s a certain ecstasy to be lost into oblivion, by the hands of something bigger than you, as if it made you look straight into the universe itself. Sex is primal. It’s almost never really safe. But it’s the only thing that seems to be able to relieve us from our daily, organized, inhuman routine.

Before I get too philosophical on you, let me tell you that this story is more about the unconditional love the main character has for her master. She would lick the pavement if he told her too. She’s his completely and they both enjoy every bit of their encounter.

A Necessary Connection by Debra Hyde

I don’t like to segregate porn or erotica “for women” or “for men”, as I’m sure many of both sexes would enjoy this book, but I do think it’s great that women read this, to show them a different perspective and a way to explore their sexuality, if they are so inclined.

The stories get kinkier and kinkier and this one is no exception. Kiana and Gordon participated in a bondage show during which he tied her up and did all sorts of nasty – and awesome – things to her, such as clamping her nipples. But after the show, she did something wrong. A couple asked her what it felt like and instead of helping them find a way to experience that themselves, she blathered and talked about herself. So, her master picks up the cane and punishes her for it, leading her to the limits of agony, until he starts playing with her clit and then penetrating and fucking her to climax.

>>Buy Submission on Amazon<<

Alex Algren

Alex Algren is an animal lover and avid reader who graduated in semiotics and math. She is also the editor of Stories of O and Kinky!

Submission presents brave female characters who place their own fulfillment front and center and ask for exactly what they want. Best of all, they know how to find dominant male partners who know that power is best enjoyed by those who can consensually yield to a commanding masculine figure.

If you’re looking for new ideas for your sex life, if you want to try bondage with your partner or just need good, exciting erotica to spice up your dreams, I recommend you buy this ebook. It’s less than $5, a small price to pay for a peek into kink!

1 Comment
  1. Claude C.

    November 9, 2014 4:38 pm

    “I strongly believe submitting makes us stronger.”
    Yes. Because it’s a religion. Fed up with being a catholic ? Convert to BDSM.

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