The holidays are not over… with Artemis and Vex

Are you still day dreaming of your summer holidays? Maybe, you didn’t get to go on holiday, like me, and you just dream of doing anything, anywhere. No work. No phones. Just fun, rest, sun, and pleasure… In Sól, you forget everything. This short film starring Artemis and Vex is pure nirvana.

Artemis and Vex make us dream in Sól

You know I’m a big fan of the Four Chambers studio, and I’ve already posted videos with Vex. Every time I watch their newest work, I’m amazed. This one, Sól, features a new face, Artemis, whom I had never seen before. She’s a cam girl, and a model for alt porn site Gods Girls, like Vex. You can know more about Artemis on her tumblr and on her twitter page.

vex and artemis erotic short film gif

I love the fresh and new, yet erotic, style of this short film. It feels pure, almost pristine, sweet, sexy and hot at the same time. It’s a relaxing scene that fills you up with desire. You just imagine yourself on that beach, sharing a nice moment with someone, touching the sand, and not caring about anything or anyone. Apart from the fear that sand might get into your vag, it looks like the perfect holiday to me.

  1. […] know I already did my weekly piece on girl on girl action yesterday, but I have just found out about Concussion, and I couldn’t wait to share it with […]

  2. […] now, you know I’m a big fan of Four Chambers’ work, and I’ve already talked to you several […]

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