Why tattoos and sex make a hot couple – the girl with the dragon tattoo

Yesterday I started the “tattoos and sex” post series with a selection of hot gifs. Today, we are going to see a scene that embodies the idea of intense sex, spiced up by the mystery of a beautiful tat.

The girl with the dragon tattoo

I don’t know if you have seen the movie, the Swedish one I mean (I don’t care for the American version): the Millennium trilogy – the Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. It is absolutely breathtaking. It is based in Stieg Larsson’s eponymous book.
Noomi Rapace, whom we have since seen in films like Prometheus or Sherlock Holmes 2, plays this strong girl, Lisbeth, who was abused and conspired against.

She teams up with a controversial journalist, Miqael, to solve a case. Te second and third movies focus much more on exploring her life, fighting her abusers and understanding her character, which, is pretty difficult.

The sex scene is raw and intense. You can see the huge tattoo on her back. It completely reflects her character and helps us know more about her.

I love that Miqael tries to understand her and bond with her, and deep she knows that he’s a good man, not like all the men she had to deal with in her past. That’s why she lets herself get close to him, but not completely.

This scene is so well played that it looks absolutely real and spontaneous.
If you can’t see the video, watch it here!

1 Comment
  1. […] I began writing posts about how tattoos and sex make a hot couple, you can check it out here and here. Well today, I have found another clip that is really hot. It’s taken from the Belgian […]

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