Ruby Rose, Gender and Strap-On Dildos

Even before my little pegging adventure a few weeks back, I was already attracted to the image of a woman wearing a strap-on. The aesthetics of a dildo fixed onto female hips give me goose pimples. That’s one of the reasons why I loved Ruby Rose’s ‘Break Free’ video…

Ruby Rose – Break Free

The Australian model has just brought us a video about gender roles and what it’s like when your identity deviates from the status quo. She cuts her hair, removes her make-up and shows off her cool tattoos. She even wears a pretty pink dildo that she tugs into her pants. If that’s not sexy, I don’t know what is!

The morale of the video is easy to guess: be who you are. However, it’s often easier to say than do, since our society is still greatly prejudiced against the LGBT community.

Around the block

Lesbian in real life, Ruby Rose also acts as one in the movie Around The Block. This scene with Cristina Ricci is sweet and sexy as hell.

Strap-ons, strap-ons everywhere!

As I said before, the aesthetics of a woman wearing a fake cock is crazy hot for me. I’ve gathered a few pictures that will prove my point.

pegging[via]strap-on dildo[via]strap-on pegging[via]pegging[via]pegging[via]girl pegging[via]

  1. Clara

    August 23, 2014 4:25 pm

    I, and I’m sure many others, would love to see some anal play (pegging, rimming or fingers) on men incorporated in your future films. It would be awesome!


  2. mike

    February 11, 2016 8:30 pm

    would like to see a lot more black women using there strap on on black men

  3. Al

    June 17, 2016 9:58 pm

    Some of that strapon stuff you are posting is marketed and made under the guise of straight-curious men having gay sex, vs what it really is just a man and woman having sex. It’s not fun, cause I use to watch some of it when I was younger(and didn’t realize im somewhere on the trans woman spectrum) and it’s awful. You may see the F-slur thrown around, words like sissy or lines like I’m going to pimp your ass out to men. It’s kind of damaging, specially to people who didn’t realize they are trans queer and not really into binary men.

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