X-Femmes, real couple playing like porn stars

I already very briefly introduced X-Femmes a while ago, but I wanted to show you this scene more specifically because I think it’s both hot and clever. X-Femmes is a series of short films directed by French female directors who were asked to depict erotica and reflect on pornography in whatever way they wanted.

X-Femmes, behind the game of porn

One of my favorite short films is “Se Faire Prendre Au Jeu” which means “getting drawn into the game”. It was made by Lola Doillon, daughter of Director Jacques Doillon. In this clip, we have a “normal” couple wanting to have naughty fun. On the TV, a typical porn movie is playing, I’m guessing from the 1990s, because it looks pretty kitsch. So the girl, played by Laureen Langendorff, decides to act like the female porn actor on TV and reenacts the movements and mimics of a porn star. Lustful looks, finger sucking, nipple playing…
The couple slowly get really turned on by the game and they end up having really hot sex.

It’s funny how all the clichés of mainstream porn are in our head. How they move, what they wear, even in what order they do stuff. It built itself its own little world, far from the real sex we, regular human beings, have with each other. That’s also why it is a fantasy, and why this couple is really stimulated by the feeling of getting in the “porn mode”, where there is just passion without inhibitions.

Porn can make the sex better

Porn, may it be mainstream or alternative, can be a great help for couples wanting to find new ideas, spice things up or just get turned on. The visual stimulation and the stories and context can help us use our imagination more and boost our mind. It allows us to try new things, new positions, new role playing situations, so it can make sex very exciting. So even though sometimes, traditional porn can make you feel bad about yourself, when it’s well done, it can open the doors to a whole new world of unexpected pleasure and fantasies that you can share with your other half.

Here’s the very hot scene with Laureen Langendorff and Dominique Viger. You should definitely check out the other short films on Lust Cinema!

Laureen Langendorff – X Femmes brought to you by PornHub

x-femmes laureen langendorff

1 Comment
  1. […] EDIT – I’ve just published a new post about one of X-Femmes short films, with the full length film about a real couple playing like porn stars, Watch it here!. […]

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