Why I love feminist porn in 12 sexy gifs

A decade ago, the concept of feminist porn would have been really unimaginable, and it is still difficult to swallow for many people. However, I really believe it is crucial in the fight for equality. Women enjoy sex, like men, and porn is a great way to explore your body and fantasies. Most porn is made by men, for men, and it contributed to some clichés being spread around in society, along with the media. Feminist porn is a new perspective on porn and it just means respecting both men and women, actors, characters and us, the audience. It’s not “porn for the ladies”, it’s just another way of showing sex. It’s can also be referred to as “ethical porn”. With the gifs below, I will show you why I love it!

You can also read my gif post on Real sex VS Mainstream Porn, or read about the best feminist porn sites.

1. Foreplay is essential

Building up the pleasure so that it is genuinely enjoyed by the actors is very important.

foreplay gif

2. The men are hot

feminist porn gif
hot naked guy gif

3. or/and natural-looking

james deen porn gif

4. It’s sexy

Sex is not always necessarily sexy, but many feminist porn films make it passionate and very arousing.

sexy gif

5. It’s not a marathon

Many films show characters taking their time and fully enjoying the moment. It’s not a performance! It’s a great moment.

sexy gif porn

6. Natural bodies

After watching feminist porn, I rarely feel the need to make myself throw up. It respects women’s and men’s bodies. You don’t need fake boobs or killer abs to have amazing sex!

emilia clarke gif naked

7. Women have pleasure

james deen stoya porn gif

8. and men too!

men naked porn gif

9. There’s also a place for mind-blowing self-exploring masturbation

x-art masturbation gif

10. It’s visually prettier

joymii porn gif

11. Submission

It doesn’t mean that it’s not hardcore or explicit! Many people have “erotica” and “feminist porn” mixed up, but feminist porn can be soft, weird, hardcore, violent (in the good way), it can be everything! As long as the pleasure goes vice versa. The myth that women don’t like hardcore sex is, well, a myth! Every person is different.

stoya porn gif
  1. […] We Love Good Sex […]

  2. Sceptic

    January 25, 2023 1:06 am

    So.. apparently feminist porn is:
    – White people only
    – Unrealistically muscular men with photomodel faces
    – Unrealistically slum and unrealistically pretty women
    – totally Misandrist and completely disregardful of what arouses men
    – Sex that looks unrealistically pretty (honestly have you ever filmed yourself? Sex is never pretty)
    – Films that make normal looking people feel abolutely hideous in comparison to the photoshopped people in the film they’re watching

    Well done making yourself look like you hate men as well as women and just want to make everybody on the planet feel bad about how they look.

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