A day of shooting porn with Joel and Alexa Tomas

Today I have shot a new film, folks! I am utterly, completely, 100% exhausted so I will just give you a peak into what this whole day was like. Shooting porn is not easy but it is definitely rewarding!

EDIT: The scene is ready for you to watch on CS.

I’m really happy to have shot with this gorgeous, real couple and actors Joel and Alexa Tomas. They did a beautiful job – literally and figuratively.

lucie blush alexa and joel tomas

My friends also came to the set for the party scene I wanted to shoot, which I am so grateful for!

lucie blush alexa and joel tomas

Overall, it was a great experience and even though every muscle in my body is sore (and I was only directing…), my soul rests happy knowing that today, we shot some pretty fucking good porn.

The film will be out on www.luciemakesporn.com next month. Can’t wait. Take a look at the pictures!

shooting lucie blush

joel alexa tomas

shooting lucie blush

joel alexa tomas

Notice our new intern assistant, miss PussyCam ©

porn shooting lucie blush

joel alexa tomas

  1. […] I shot my fifth porn scene. I remember shooting Alice Inside almost a year ago now, and I remember I had no clue what I was […]

  2. […] little while ago, I posted a few pictures from the set of Up All Night, my new film, starring Joel and Alexa Tomas. Well, the film is almost […]

  3. […] back today, and I bring good news! My new film, Up All Night, the one I shot a month ago with Joel and Alexa Tomas, is finally up and available to watch […]

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