Porn scenes worthy of an Oscar 3

This is the saddest and funniest thing I have seen this week. It seems I can’t help but finding lots of WTF videos this week, so enjoy! I have found this one on Le Tag Parfait and as they say, this video makes me want to cry with two different kinds of tears: the first one is from the sadness of this world that I don’t want to live in anymore and the total loss of faith in humanity, the second is a tear of nostalgia from a time when looking like a fool did not stop us from creating something. Please, check out these Porn scenes worthy of an Oscar, part 3, on Efukt.

Porn scenes worthy of an Oscar

First, what the hell is cream of wheat? Second, did those who actually had an orgasm from jerking off to this scene kept getting horny eating wheat or seeing mascots on the street for the rest of their life? All this looks like a parody, but it’s not. These scenes, from paper mache octupus to vampire with plastic teeth are real. So you wonder, how the hell could they think this was hot? Well, maybe it was. It’s always difficult to know what people like, and at least, it was fun! At least, it had some soul.

You can watch the first and second part. This is some seriously hilarious shit.

No embed available, click here or on the image below to watch. This video makes me want to cry with two different kinds of tears: the first one is from the sadness of this world that I don’t want to live in anymore and the total loss of faith in humanity, the second is a tear of nostalgia from a time when looking like a fool did not stop us from creating something. Please, check out these Porn scenes worthy of an Oscar, part 3, on Efukt.

porn scenes worthy of an oscar 3

1 Comment
  1. […] you search the web for good porn, you’re bound to find some really bad porn. If you liked the porn scenes worthy of an oscar, then you’re probably going to enjoy Efukt’s compilation of the craziest orgasms […]

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