4 awesome and original masturbation short films

By now, you know I’m a big fan of masturbation. I think if people jerked off more there would be less wars. So during my constant browsing for arousing videos, I have found these four short films. Each of them offers a different take on self-loving, with a different style and approach. Enjoy!

1. The infatuation – Aggadah

Sometimes, you have such a major crush on someone that it suddenly controls all your body. You can’t think straight, you’re obsessed. It can even make you unhappy and almost neurotic when you can’t make your fantasy real.

This short film was made by Beatriz Vargas and Javier Beltrán. The film is titled Aggadah as a reference to Lot’s daughter in the Jewish Bible. After the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, Aggadah and her sister got their father drunk and had sex with him, because they fought they were the only remaining human beings on Earth and they wanted to repopulate the world – a simple fact checking might have been useful, but you know religious people are all drama queens.

Anyway, the authors chose this title in order to point out the fact that religious texts are filled with sexual stories and yet, sex is constantly censored by our religion-based societies.

I thought this film was truly hot, deep and original.

Aggadah (subtitled) from coleto on Vimeo.


2. Old Style – Happy Thoughts

This film by Kate Arizmendi is pretty cool and crazy. Shot on Super 8, it shows Sarah Abney enjoying some vintage-looking masturbation and copying some of Miley Cyrus’ tongue moves.

happy thoughts from Katelin Arizmendi on Vimeo.


3. A body experience – The Sound and the Air

What about guys? Well, this is a home-made short by amateur porn lover “Dark Knife”. I like that it’s simple and yet it drives us through the details of the movements, the skin, the noises…

THE SOUND AND THE AIR from Darkknife on Vimeo.


4. Close Up Coiled Up

This is one of the many videos by the awesome folks from Coiled Up. I absolutely love the music and the tension that slowly rises until she penetrates herself with the Lelo Gigi. It really looks amazing in terms of light and colors, and it lets us appreciate all the details, the texture and the pleasure!

coiled up lelo gigi

1 Comment
  1. jbcoleto

    July 11, 2014 3:53 pm

    Thank you very much for your interest in our shortfilm. It’s a pleasure to be in this nice selection.

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